How our bodies look is a very important in the culture we live in. The importance of how we look to other leaves a definite marks on our own body image, whether we believe the standards of beauty derived by our culture or not. In North America, and many other places in the world, we are constantly surrounded by images of beautiful people (who have often been edited to look pretty unrealistic). It's safe to say many of us don't really feel like we are beautiful. Maybe it's just corporations creating and then playing on our insecurities to sell some make up or cosmetic surgeries or items we don't need to be healthy and happy.
The most extreme recent example I can think of, and probably you too, is of Heidi Montag's recent transformation into a completely different person. She had already had at least one surgery and then went about having 10 more at once:
I'm not sure why any plastic surgeon would argee to completing so many surgery's at once...but I guess that's another post all together.
The most extreme recent example I can think of, and probably you too, is of Heidi Montag's recent transformation into a completely different person. She had already had at least one surgery and then went about having 10 more at once:
I'm not sure why any plastic surgeon would argee to completing so many surgery's at once...but I guess that's another post all together.
Now what are we average looking people suppose to think when someone who looked like this (before ANY surgery):
...decides to have 10+ surgeries because she thinks she isn't beautiful enough! (Well, it makes us all feel like she's insane!!!!) I've talked to different people about her before and after looks. There seems to be mixed ideas about how good she looked before. I think she looked pretty fantastic and definitely like a real person, sometimes little flaws are what make someone look extra cute, it's something a little know? Even though there is conflict over if she was very beautiful to start, everyone I know has agreed that she went waaaayy to far trying to reach her preconceived idea of beauty. She just looks a little strange now.
I wonder if she did all this just for publicity and money...but then I think, "she risked her health and whole life for that?". She is obviously a pretty mentally unstable person to go through all of this. But I do think this is a great example of how much pressure people feel, especially women feel, to be thin and "perfect" (according to our cultures standards).
Here are two more updated photos:
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